

Can I make an appointment?

No, we work completely without appointments – just come by when you have time. We always have enough staff on site, so there should be no or only short waiting times. If you are flexible, we recommend coming in the morning and/or on Mondays or Tuesdays, when the workload is at its lowest.

Puis-je prendre rendez-vous ?

Non, nous travaillons entièrement sans rendez-vous – viens simplement nous voir quand tu as le temps. En principe, nous avons toujours suffisamment de personnel sur place, de sorte qu’il ne devrait pas y avoir de temps d’attente ou seulement un court temps d’attente. Si tu es flexible, nous te recommandons de venir le matin et/ou … Weiterlesen …

L’épilation au fil provoque-t-elle des irritations cutanées ?

La technique du fil ne provoque pas les mêmes irritations que l’épilation à la cire, par exemple. Grâce à un niveau d’hygiène élevé et à l’application d’une lotion bienfaisante après le traitement, Lovely Brows prévient en outre les irritations cutanées.

What are the advantages of the threading technique?

ThoroughnessThe biggest advantage over other types of epilation is the thoroughness: hair removal with the thread removes even the finest downy hairs – for a silky skin feeling. Perfect contourAnother advantage is the beautiful contour: no other method can give the eyebrows such a clear and shapely contour. Kind to the skin and the environmentAs … Weiterlesen …

Are the treatments painful?

With thread hair removal, the hair is epilated, i.e. removed with the hair root. This means that the treatment is a little painful. We asked many of our clients: most of them feel about the same pain as with waxing. A small number of our clients experience less pain than with waxing and an even … Weiterlesen …

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